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 About me 

My name is Roger, I live in Liverpool and I’m a 3D printing specialist.


From hobby to something more:
Back in 2008 I stumbled upon an article about 3D printing. It sounded interesting and I kept reading. I didn’t know it at the time but that moment changed my life. I know it sounds cheesy but it is actually true.

Within a couple of days of reading the article I have attended a course to learn the basics of this new world and boy, it was hard.

Not sure if you know or not, but even a smaller object takes hours design in one software, than to prepare it for 3D printing in another one and it takes a few more hours to actually print it out. Than you start the post works...


In the beginning I thought I will never create anything cool. It just seemed so complicated and hard. But I kept trying and I’ve learned so much through the next couple of months, that finally I was able to create a small toy for my back than "little" brother.







Using my new knowledge I started to give my first creations as gifts to my close family and friends. And they loved it. It really showed them, how much I love them, as they knew exactly I had to spent so much time to get their personalised presents done.
And later on they asked me to do the same for some of their friends. This is where Roger's 3D printing was really born. However it was more of a hobby. My friends liked that they are giving something unique to people they knew. And it was much more personal than a robe and towel.

I have made toys, miniatures, car parts, decorations, all kinds of trophies. I enjoyed making them and people loved them. Unfortunately, later I started working in full time in a super market and I had less and less time to put in to my hobby and after all, there was a time I thought I'll have to stop it completely.
But later I came across someone who inspired me, how important it is to start to do something you love. That person is my wife now and I get all the support I can wish for.

So I quit my daytime job and I focused 100% on 3D printing.



Playing with Dreidel

He found it funny and cool and my whole family became supportive about my new hobby. Years after, I have entered crafting contests and I won some. I have started to become popular among my friends if it came to creativity.

Jack happy with trophy

With my new inspiration:
I opened an Ebay store and started to sell my own products. I have done the same on Etsy, than on Google and Facebook.

I have alos created a trophy for a poker contest to one of my friends in 2017. He loved it. Later on another friend's child, Jack has won a football tournament with this team. So I made him a nice trophy. He was so happy when he held it up. The happiness on his face was something, I will never forget. He is on the picture on the right.

Roger's printers


Since then I grew a lot.

Currently I owe 12 x 3D printers and they are constantly working.

I have loads of orders pouring in on Ebay, Etsy and Google.


So here I am now, offering my knowledge to make you, your friends and loved ones happy too.

I wish you all the best,

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